Wednesday 28 December 2011


‎"A mirror shows the outside, but never the pain on inside" 

love u so much till death

I'm afraid to close my eyes coz
I might think of you.
I'm afraid to open them coz I
might see you.
I'm afraid to move my lips coz
I might speak of you.
I'm afraid to listen coz I might
hear my heart fall for you
love u so much till death
N after dat my ♥


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♥ Family ♥ = 111 LIKES
so like this post if you love your family a lot ! :** (^_^)


In Life to Stay Happy alwyz remember one thing " never compare the Care & Love given by ur loved ones..
Bcoz Every Person Cares & luvs in their own Style.

Never Understand

If you don't understand my silence you'll not understand my words ♥

Miss You

People don't miss you when you're gone, they miss you when you move on ;(

I Love

I love rain cause in the rain i can cry and no one can see my tears ..... ♥

Friday 9 December 2011

Good Morning

┳┳┓╭╮┳╮┳┓┳ ┳┓╭╮
┃┃┃┃┃┃╱┃┃┃ ┃┃┃┓
┛┛┛╰╯┻╱┛┛┻ ┛┛╰╯

Miss You

ღ ✫ ϡ: (\_(\ 
♥ ❤ ✪ (=’ :’)✩ 
☀ : ✱ ☾,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»★ 
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*█▄▄█▀─▐█──▐█─────█──────████▌─▀▄▀─█▄▄█▀──▄█▄─ *

_________Miss You____________Miss YouM
______Miss YouMiss Y_______Miss YouMiss You
____Miss YouMiss YouMis___Miss YouMiss YouMis
___Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss You_______Miss
__Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss You_________Miss
_Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss_______Miss
_Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss You______M
Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss__Mis
Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss Yo_M
Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouM
Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouM
_Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss Yo
__Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss
____Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMi
______Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss
_________Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouMiss Yo
____________Miss YouMiss YouMiss YouM
______________Miss YouMiss YouMiss
_________________Miss YouMiss
___________________Miss YouM
_____________________Miss Y

Thursday 8 December 2011

I Love You




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▀▀███▐█████▌██▌██──▐██▀─.█ ░░░░░░ █

Miss You

▐██▄─▄██▌ ▀ ▄▀▀ ▄▀▀───▀▄─────▄▀─▐█▀▀█▌─█─█ 
─█──█──█─ █ ─▀▄ ─▀▄─────▀▄─▄▀───▐█▄─█▌─█─█ 
▐█─────█▌ ▀ ▀▀─ ▀▀────────█─────▐██▄█▌─▀▄▀

Don't Fear

Don't fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you.

Tuesday 6 December 2011



Cricket Lovers

Add Me

♥ ─▄█▀▄──▐█▀█▄─▐█▀█▄─♥ ▐██▄─▄██▌─▐█▀▀ ♥
♥ ▐█▄▄▐█─▐█▌▐█─▐█▌▐█─♥ ─█──█──█──▐█▀▀ ♥
♥ ▐█──▐█─▐█▄█▀─▐█▄█▀─♥ ▐█─────█▌─▐█▄▄ ♥
♥▐█▀█─██────▐█▀▀──▄█▀▄──▄█▀▀█─▐█▀▀ ♥
♥▐█▄█─██────▐█▀▀─▐█▄▄▐█─▀▀█▄▄─▐█▀▀ ♥
♥▐█───██▄▄█─▐█▄▄─▐█──▐█─█▄▄█▀─▐█▄▄ ♥

Mehndi Designs



My Name


________♥___ ___♥___♥___♥

Don't Break My Trust



♥▐██▄─▄██▌─█─█──▄█▀▄──▐█─▐█─▐█─▐█─▐█─▐█ ♥
♥─█──█──█──█─█─▐█▄▄▐█─▐████─▐████─▐████ ♥
♥▐█─────█▌─▀▄▀─▐█──▐█─▐█─▐█─▐█─▐█─▐█─▐█ ♥

Cute Story

Girl: if i ask u to jump down, will
u do it?
Boy: yes i will..
Girl: Why?
Boy : because i know you’ll catch
my hand n pull me up.
Girl: if i don’t then?
... Boy: Then I’ll die with the belief
that you tried Ur best but
couldn’t save me..
♥ Love is not about doing
something but about believing
someone !♥!

Good Morning

______██████_____██████ ___ (¯`´¯)

Sunday 4 December 2011



Now You Can Use Your Cell Phone as a Webcam

Recently our team found a new software. Using this software u can use ur cell phone as a webcam no need to buy webcam anymore.

If you want to get that software jus comment on this post & left ur E-mail. We'll mail u that software.

Best Regards

Facebook Text & Symbols Team

Saturday 3 December 2011





I Love You
